Thursday, September 8, 2011

Proud to be an American: 9/11 Tribute

Patriotism is a great freedom we have in our country. In some parts of the world, it is forced upon citizens, but in America, we have the choice to be patriotic. Many artists choose to show their patriotism through songs like “Proud to be an American,” “America the Beautiful,” “God Bless America,” and “The Star-Spangled Banner.” These songs are meant to connect people not only to their country, but also to each other, through patriotism. The love of one’s country moves people to do the extraordinary, such that of the actions seen on 9/11 and the months and years after.

Tuesday, September  11th, 2001 is a day that will live infamy in the hearts of Americans. On this day, a series of coordinated attacks on the United States were carried out by 19 al-Qaeda terrorists, who hijacked four passenger airplanes. Two of these jets were intentionally crashed Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, the third into the Pentagon, and the last one crashed into a field near Shanksville Pennsylvania, when passengers attempted to fight back against the terrorist. These passengers were in my opinion the first counter-strike against terrorism made by Americans as a result of 9/11. 
Patriotism can be used as a political device to rally people for pro-government movements, such as The Patriotic Act. The Patriot Act increased the government’s power significantly. It allows for the government to spy on its own people, detain terror suspects indefinitely, and increases the president’s power during peacetime. I am not saying that the Patriot Act is a result of patriotic songs, however, it is my opinion that the Patriot Act was passed because of the actions that occurred on 9/11 and was only fueled by America’s patriotism. 


  1. No doubt that most of the songs dealing with 9/11 are patriotic and nationalistic and those feelings are what help get the Patriot Act passed. But think about the name of the bill; do you think it supports patriotism?

  2. I think that the name of the bill is named such in order to get Americans who support it to feel patriotic. It would not get much support if it was called the "Big Brother Act".
